This is continuing from Evergreen Fashion Psychology Tips 1.

Psychology in Fashion
Psychology in Fashion

Make a Statement

I talked a little bit about making your signature style in the previous article. But what I did not is how is that possible? Even we wear the same thing over and over we can’t be noticed by the majority of people. Or, do we want to be noticed? Or, somewhere we all want to be noted? Okay, here we will at least try to make our highlight wear.

Try Climax Pieces

And this is how you can highlight your particular accessories. It can be anything. Dress in a neutral tone, keep everything minimum except one. This always works. When you’re going to the office think exactly where you can break the rule. Your formal shirt can be expensive silk made where your trousers are regular cotton. You always can add a vibrant purse with your simple outfit to the office. This works in strict circumstances too! Nobody will scold you for that! In the evening time when you’re leaving for your home, you can use a long overcoat, that can’t escape from notices. If not, next time use a long-fur-coat ๐Ÿ˜‰ And also no rules after office hour!

Elevate Your Look

We are on a journey of making a Statement by our look and we will not stop until we do so. Elevating your look can be stressful, don’t pressurize yourself ever. Did you ever try a beret to make your attire crunchy? Or you are too afraid to wear a french look? What do you think before buying neon color clothes or purses? Don’t buy in confusion. No, I’m serious. After all, Classic is Classic. SIMPLE. But you can add a splash of red with your neutral outfit right? Red always comes within classic yet vibrant, seductive color!

So, start with small things like a purse, sunglasses, or other accessories. You may start with shoes. You are too afraid to wear high knee boots? Start from flat ankle boots. Or here’s a better idea, start wearing risky pieces with your close friend circle, brother. Even you fall they will laugh but take care. You know better, where you are comfortable. One of the important fashion tips- take those small brave steps. This is necessary to elevate your image.

Dress your Best, When Depressed

And I will repeat this sentence now. Dress your best when you are depressed. Best of Fashion Tips. Especially in breakups with your closest friend, or with your dating partner you need to rock a night. It’s been one week. You can’t lie in your bed any longer. Make a plan in night disco club with your besties and dance your depression out!

Dress to the Nines!

Break all the style rules. Go crazy. Not crazy-crazy but crazy perfection. Wear a shiny dress with a shimmering high 4-inch block heel (So you can dance after all!) with sparkling make-up!!! This is beyond mood-enhancing treatment and it always works. Don’t try to impress others but yourself. Take advice from your friends if you’re a fashion avoided. If you know how to look sexy, do it, surprise everybody. Getting compliments from everyone works outstandingly and we can’t deny this.

Pop Up

Add pop-up, bright colors to lift your mood more. Add neon colors in the corner of your eyeshadow, add glitters if you want more, just lighten up! My advice is not to go all black. You can light up your black little dress with neon eyeshadows, avoid smoky black eyeshadow and add a colorful heel. We are not trying to look classic this night!

Calming Down

Now that we made our statement, recovered from our trauma it’s time to calm down. We can’t spend our life drunken in nightclubs, we have to make our path by ourselves. Emotions can be hurting sometimes but emotions are important. Without emotions we are lifeless.

Fous on Focul Accessories

Focal accessories help you to connect with your emotions. The accessories you love, you want to wear these again and again. These accessories are connected with your memories, maybe fashion-forward, may classic pieces do not matter. You will feel calm if something is connected with your special memories. These can be anything, a watch, a necklace or a ring you received as a gift. Wear something you have received from your own family who never hurts you. You need to feel like wearing a generous hug.

Calm your Craze

Is it too hard to go outside without luxury stamps? Are you one of those affluent ladies who never failed to show off? Sorry but that means you believe more in logos rather than you! The journey of elevating yourself is more like elevating your inner self which will affect you on the outside too. Yes, we do use some quality pieces for that, but we can’t depend on logos because they are empowering the brand not that much you. And honestly printed logos all over the place do not look good that much. Start today to authorize yourself with sustainable pieces.

Balance the Breeze

Sometimes, some trends we just wanna hug at least one time. So there will be some trends you wanna try out, you should try them. Everything is okay till we are keeping everything real. Real means to feel good, satisfied with your style. Changing style is okay but for you, not for others. You shall never choose a trend because it’s a trend/fashion and people gonna love it by default. NO.

Breath in the Breeze!

Now it’s time to choose new items, newly styled trendy items. After reaching the mall or opening the online app on the phone, don’t hurry. Trends make us impatient! I suggest buying a new styled dress offline.

Wear it in the trying room and check yourself from every side in the mirror. It’s important still we often forget to check how we look from the back. Check the material definitely because trendy items are cheap in quality most of the time! Now think about how can you restyle it in several ways. If it’s a one-piece still think about how durable the item is. Is there any place for adding elegance even a little bit? Then good! Now take a look at yourself if you’re feeling good in it or not.

If you’re buying it online check everything I just said above, except wearing it. Now check the model in the picture. Often in online apps, you can find the details about the model, how tall is she/he and what size she/he is wearing. Compare the body type and size. What do you think? It will suit you and you are still loving it after judging for 15 minutes? Then buy it. Tip: If you are confused about a product that how it’s gonna look in real life because it’s looking average in the picture, trust me 99% time that’s gonna be worse. So don’t buy it.

Restyle It BABE!

I wanted distressed boy-cut jeans so much once. I thought I will love the tomboy kinda look. So I bought it in Black. Every time I wear it, I don’t like it too much because I’m a petite girl and loose boy-cut jeans are not a petite fashion style! So what to do??? I try to show my leg (ankle) a little bit by folding the jean and pairing them with a slim heel. It gives a little elongated look. My fashion tips are here is to tone your street fashion down with some classic pieces and restyle accordingly. In my case, I pair it with a simple white-fitting bodysuit.

Self Affirmation

Ahh… I can feel a calmness in the air because I am confident enough. No, not because my clothes are highly-priced, my bag is from Coco Chanel or heels from Christian Louboutin. Not it’s not I am from a middle cast family, without any income, still now.

Feel Secure

There’s a thing above style and fashion. Do you know what’s that? Confident. If you’re wearing a cheap tee with your 6 years old jeans nobody is gonna know until you shout out about it! Most of us can’t afford price quality items. That never means we don’t deserve to feel good! Everybody deserves to feel beautiful. In this moment of my life, if 90 out of 100 people come and tell me how much I look sick and thin (Because I hear those often) still I’ll feel Stunning! No, I don’t convince myself that “Laharee, don’t listen to them, you are good”, NO I don’t even have to do those self motivations. I have already passed through it, and I’m blessed that now, I am very Positive.

Be secure like this, so nobody can break you, poise you with even a single negative thought!


Refresh everything. Sometimes when you’re surrounded by negative people it is needed. Sometimes we need to upgrade our friend circle too if they are always negative. Go through your Instagram, Facebook page and unfollow toxic people. But how do I find out, you’re probably thinking?

Do anyone’s posts that they share or create bother you? Like really bother you and you feel disgusted about him or her? Or sometimes you think it’s just too silly to share! Or even sometimes you think it’s not good something for sharing, does not hold any value. I also share memes, I’m not talking about that. It should be something that bothers you very. Don’t unfriend them (If they are your friend in real life) Unfollow them on Facebook. Unfollow those pages and leave groups if needed.

Purifying your Instagram feed by unfollowing who’s post or reel bothers you. There may be some for them you want to Assimilate Fashion or Avoid it because you fear you can’t be that. Anyway, unfollow all those Insta models coming in your way and convincing you are not good enough.

Find new celebrities by has-tag. #streetstyle, #classic, #blackgirlfashion, #petitegirl, #zerofigure #chubby or by any brand name like #forever21. Go through their profiles, take time, think if those will look good on you accordingly figure. This will help you to feel new.

Pay Attention to Colours

This is a HUGE topic when it comes to fashion tips but I can’t cover it here. Every color has a different significance and plays a CRUCIAL role in our moods, and image. Here I will end this topic by saying that go with neutral colors when in doubt. You can choose your favorite color but as I told you before You have to keep the event in your mind, you are dressing for. And defiantly not every color is for everything!

  That's all for today! I hope you liked it (โยดโ—ก`โ)  

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