If anyone is little into skincare, he/she knows about sheet masks. The theory of sheet masks is no new. From South Korea and Japan, now it has been spread worldwide. Using a sheet mask gives you a spa-like experience including the added benefits of particular masks. But how effective they are except for this fancy feeling? Excluding the facts of benefits, sheet masks are really popular and will be for a long period.

Applying Sheet Mask
Applying Sheet Mask

What are Sheet Masks?

Sheet Masks are Cotton, Microfiber, Coconut Pulp or Cellulose, Gel, and Paper masks for the face. These masks are very thin and dubbed in Toner, Serum, or lotion-like products. They are no different from a wet thin fabric. Sheet Masks are three types based on texture. Toner, Serum, and Lotion type.

What is the History of Sheet Masks?

Though it became popular in South Korea through K-beauty, It was invented by Japanese Geishas. They were the first women, to use sheet masks. Back then, they collected leftover Silk from kimonos and then soaked the silk in flower water. Later they rest that silk sheet on their face. It was called the Geisha Skin Care routine.

What Materials the Sheets are Made of?

Most sheet masks are made from paper, cellulose, Coconut pulp, microfiber, cotton wool, or hydrogel. The basic science of a sheet mask is that they need to be highly water absorbent so that it can hold a high amount of hydration and provide it to the skin. Depending on the sheet material and ingredients they can range from 1$ to 50$.

Benefits of a Sheet Mask

The primary reason everybody uses sheet masks is that they are extremely moisturizing and relaxing. I often use it when I need boosts of hydration before any party or anything. Itโ€™s not really in my routine. Sheets masks are easy to use and can solve target-specific concerns depending on the ingredients. Some are brightening, some are firming, and some even claim for dark patches. Thereโ€™s no evidence for any particular problem that sheet masks solve. Here Iโ€™m listing three benefits that every sheet masks have, or should have at least.

Super Moisturizing

Sheet masks are infused with hydrating ingredients like glycerine, fruit extracts, and seed oils. Does not matter if it does or not anything else any sheet mask can moisturize the skin at its best. Donโ€™t think it like a miracle or anything. Any sheet mask package contains 15-20ml of product, if you use 15-20ml of Serum or lotion one at a time that will do the same thing. In my opinion, using that much product at a time is a waste of it. And donโ€™t judge me before knowing that our skin epidermis layer is 0.05mm-1.5mm thick. We need a quarter-size moisturizer, which is enough for the face and neck. Now how much mL that will be?

Calming & Relaxing

If you want to pay for calming and relaxing for added skin benefits the face masks are a good choice. The rule for using a face mask is to apply it for 20 minutes or rest it on your face. Then close your eyes and relax or lie down. present ingredients in a sheet mask which is usually a hydrating serum give a very cool, pleasant effect because itโ€™s present in a high amount. And that is why many use a sheet mask on an almost daily basis after returning from the office, before bed.

Plump The Skin

Itโ€™s the basic science, nothing else. If your skin is super hydrated it will be plumped. Now not every mask canโ€™t do that because simply the formula is bad. Skin will be only plumped if the moisture is going deep into your skin, not just sitting on the top. For that find a low concentration, which actually can penetrate through your skin cells. That will help to plump your skin. If the skin is plumped, the fine lines become visibly less and the skin becomes shiny until the hydration stays.

How to Use a Sheet Mask?

Before using a sheet mask decide what do need. All you need is a calming, relaxing feeling like a spa or you need more. Wash your face properly. If you want exfoliating is a good choice on the day of sheet masking. Exfoliating makes the skin layer thinner because of the loss of cells. That makes skin a little sensitive even if you do not feel it. After that, you may or not detoxify your skin with a clay mask. Wear a bandana or headband to keep hair out of your way even if youโ€™re male. You actually should use a bandana before washing your face first.

Then apply a good toner/essence with your palm. After that remove the sheet mask by pressing the package a little bit so that you can use it twice. Trust me 20mL is more than you need for twice! Be careful when youโ€™re unfolding the sheet, I ripped many. Gently rest that on your face and lie down on a relaxing chair or your bed. Close your eyes. You can play soft music. Enjoy it. Remove it before it gets dry.

Now press the sheet if you donโ€™t wanna use that sheet again for the rest of the product. If you press it hard youโ€™ll know how much more stuff it has on that sheet. These sheets are rich absorbent. Apply the rest of that product o your face, especially on the neck, hands, and feet. I do. Because oh my, thereโ€™s a lot of product in that sheet and thereโ€™s no point in wasting something. For the next time you can apply the rest of the product in your hand but what I prefer is I made a sheet with a cotton cloth and use it again and again by dabbing it into that solution.

Why I should Use a Sheet Mask?

If you have dry patches around the eyes, nose, or mouth then using sheet masks is a good idea. They provided a lot of moisturizers. Other than that if you have other problems, in my opinion, there are other products like Serums, Ampoules that can help you better. Though once in a month at least, I want to have special nourishment for my skin, even though I donโ€™t have any dry patches.

When I should Use a Sheet Mask?

Nighttime, before bed, is the best time for using a sheet mask. Not that you canโ€™t use a sheet mask after bathing, in the daytime. In most sheet masks, thereโ€™s no ingredient that you canโ€™t use in the daytime. But having a relaxing time before bed will help you to fall asleep quickly. Not only that, deep hydration will work better without interruption of meals, at night while youโ€™re asleep.

How Often I should Use Sheet Mask?

Deep hydration like this is enough if you do it once a week. More than enough as I have disclosed before that our epidermis layer does not need more than a quarter size of moisturizer for the neck and face.

Is It Necessary to Use Sheet Masks?

Itโ€™s not a necessity. Only if you have dry patches using sheet masks is a good idea. But the same thing you can do with extra layers of toner/essence and then apply two layers of lotion/moisturizer to lock it. I use it once-twice a month and before any special outing/occasions/parties. A brightening face mask boosts the shine and moisture level of my skin. So yes, sheet masks are another good choice when you need something quickly. Exfoliate before that, for a better result. And always use sheet masks before night. Sheet masks can be uncomfortable, and doing makeup will be harder/cakey because of the thick layer of the product.

Are Sheet Masks Worth the Price?

Sheet masks range from 1$ to 50&, and to be true I never paid more than 2$-3$ for a sheet mask because I can hardly use one mask thrice. Sorry but I donโ€™t think spending more than 10$ on a sheet mask is a waste when you can buy a good serum, ampoule with that money which will last about 6 months (Depends on the Ampoule).

Sheet Masks for Every Skin Types

Sheet masks can be brightening, hydrating, firming, or peeling normally. Peeling masks are good for cleansing pores. Every skin type can use any type of sheet mask as they normally donโ€™t have any harsh ingredient and gives a calming effect.

Ingredients to Look for in a Sheet Mask

Rice water sheet maks are one of my favorite. Keana Nadeshiko Rice Mask is a really good one you can get at a cheap price. Hundreds of ingredients are used for different sheet masks like hyaluronic acid, Propolis, Ginseng, Snail mucin, Collagen, Placenta, Acai berry, Pomegranate, and Goat Milk, Matcha Tea, Green Tea, Honey, Saffron, Wine, etc.

Why do I have Mix Feelings toward Sheet Masks?

Sometimes I love Sheet masks because Iโ€™m getting particular ingredients with proper benefits for my skin, and the next time I think itโ€™s not required that much after all Iโ€™m getting all of those together from a good toner, moisturizer, and skin does not need that much of product. But the truth is I always have a few sheet masks (5-10) in my drawer with different ingredients. They are like the go-to products. I love them to be used for special occasions, and I donโ€™t waste them, so I choose to use them. Sheet masks are not in my routine skincare.

The downside of Sheet Masks

Sheet masks generally come in a plastic packet. And it is very different from any other packages because these are for single-use and then we throw them. If you count packets, most use an average of four packets at least in a month and thatโ€™s a lot. The popularity of sheet masks has increased plastic garbage.

What Do I need to Use After Sheet Mask?

If the Sheet Mask is a cream/toner type there is no need to use another product except sunscreen if you are going out. Though I do not prefer going out after using sheet masks, not because they are harmful, they are not. Because of the thick layer of the product, I feel uncomfortable. If your sheet mask is toner/serum type apply a moisturizer definitely to lock the hydration.

  1. Oil Cleansing. First Step of Double Cleansing.
  2. Cleanser (Water-based) or Facewash. Instead of using both some may use Cleansing cream, balm, or milk with an emulsifier which will help to remove all kinds of oily, watery dirt from the skin
  3. Exfoliate
  4. Detoxifying
  5. Mist spray. You may use Softener in this step.
  6. Toning and Moisturizing deep with Rich Korean Toners.
  7. Essence
  8. Serum
  9. Ampoule
  10. Sheet Mask (Conditions are applied on which step you need to use it based on the texture of your sheet mask, READ THE POST)
  11. Lotions
  12. Moisturizer
  13. Eye Cream
  14. Sunscreen
  15. Lip Balm
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